Location: Baby Bathtubs Trail in Ouray, CO
Distance: Short. There are a lot of different distances I’ve seen online for this trail. The walk to the baby bathtubs is short and I would estimate it’s about a half mile from parking. If you’re looking to make it longer, you can catch the Portland and Perimeter trail from here.
Highlights: Great trail with kids!
Notes: Be sure to wear a bathing suit and enjoy the baby bathtubs! The water level and flow will vary depending on the time of year.
Dogs: Yes, on leash.
To get to the trailhead, drive south on Main Street where you’ll start winding up the Million Dollar Highway. Take a left onto Amphitheater Campground Road. Shortly after you’ll come across a wood bridge over the gorge. There isn’t much parking but you’ll see the pull offs where you can park. If there aren’t any spaces left, you can back track down the Million Dollar Highway towards town where there is a large pull off lot where a lot of the ATVs park.
The Trail
The starts on the left side of the wooden bridge. You’ll see a registration box from the roadway. As you start, there are many places you can get closer to the gorge. Be sure to have your pets and kids safe from these areas as there are steep drop offs. A little further up are many different “baby bathtubs” formed from the water flowing over the rocks. It’s a great place to hang out and let the kids enjoy. It’s fascinating to see how the water has shaped the rocks over time.
To learn more about Ouray, visit my blog post.